Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Final Reflection

This was a very good class. I feel like I received a lot of tools that I can use in my future teaching. I really enjoyed learning about how to create and edit videos. This is a tool that I can use in my PE classes. For example, I could take a video of the correct way to perform a certain skill or activity and then show it to my class for them to see. I also enjoyed learning how to create my own website. This is something that I will use in my future classes. It is great to be able to have a website where students an parents can access information about the class and see what is being taught. It is also a great way to promote physical education and let people know what physical education is all about.

Before this class I didn't think much about using technology in my PE classes. I didn't think it was a tool that I could utilize. After taking this class I now have ideas and skills that I can use to incorporate technology in my class. As I mentioned before I can use my video editing skills and website creating skills to help facilitate learning in my classes. This was a great course, and I am glad that I was able to take it!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Studio Code

I learned a lot about my teaching from this project. I feel like my management techniques are pretty good but there are still things I need to improve on. One thing that I feel like I could improve on is the way in which I correct kids who are acting out. I noticed that I let some little things go at first that become bigger problems later. I need to learn how to correct those early on so they do not become problems later.

I also saw things that I could improve on with my instruction. I feel like I did a good job at going over everything, but I could work on being more clear. I noticed that I had to give instructions over and over again. This deterred from the lesson and made things a less smooth. I want to do better at explaining the rules and getting the kids to understand them.

Next semester I plan on doing better at being clear and precise while I teach. I want to be able to keep the kids attention and get them to understand the rules. I also want to improve with managing my students. I think that I will do better if I notice them acting out earlier and fix it sooner rather than later.

Mobel Apps

I do not think that I would use mobile apps in a classroom setting for a few reasons. The main reason is because students using cell phones at school is always a struggle to regulate, and by using mobile apps in a classroom could lead them to txting or doing other things then school work. I also wouldn't use them because I think there are more effective ways to teach then by using mobile apps.

Extra Credit: New Technology

Since I am going into the Physical Education Field I wanted to see what kinds of things teachers are using that have helped their kids. I read about the technology of using pedometers in class. I pedometer is a device that a kid can hook onto their shorts that counts how many steps they take while it is on their shorts. Teachers would use these as a way to promote physical activity. At the start of class the teacher would have the kids all put on a pedometer and then they would keep it on until the end of the class. At the end of class the kids would record how many steps they took and the teacher could use that as a way of assessing their students. This is very beneficial for a lot of reasons. As a teacher it gives you a clear way to assess your students participation. It also gives students the opportunity to actually see how much physical activity they are doing.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Web 2.0

One of the tools that web 2.0 offers that I think can do a great job at furthering education is the website, blackboard. This site allows teachers to post grades, assignments, announcements, and virtually anything a student needs to know about the class. It is a great tool to help facilitate the effectiveness of a class.

One way that Facebook can be utilized in education is to form a class group where students can join. As a teacher, you could put information about the class and different articles that can help the students learn the material.

Fit 4 LIfe

Here is the link to our second video that Adam edited:

Creating the video for this class was a god experience for me. I had never created a video like this before so being able to do this was pretty cool. I feel like if I had to do this again I would be able to. This is a great tool to have as a PE teacher. You could use this while teaching your kids, during parent teacher conferences, or to promote PE. This is a great tool to have as a PE teacher.

iMovie Challenges

Overall the process of creating this movie has gone pretty smooth. I had a few issues with trying to get music that I could use to put to my movie. I wasn't sure what format the audio had to be in. After a bit of trial and error I just downloaded the music into iTunes and that worked perfect.

Figuring out the audio was probably the only major problem I faced. Everything else went pretty smooth.